Happy Birthday East Shelby!

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Program Description

Event Details

You are cordially invited to the East Shelby Library's Birthday Bash! 

We will have food, games, prizes, and educational resources for you to browse. Come learn about how your local library operates, and, if you would like -find your next book to read. 

Local organizations and resources will be present to show you what your community has to offer.


From 1 PM- 2PM in the library's meeting rooms-  Ms. Jay Kumar, will introduce you to the country of India through:

  • learning about wellness with Indian dance moves
  • learning about health with India's festivals spices, sports and more
  • Giveaways include henna and bindis 

The support of the Memphis Library Foundation through their Health and Wellness grant is making Ms. Jay Kumar's event possible. 


As always, there will be a 'pay-what-you-like' book sale with all proceeds going directly to the Friends of the Library. The Friends support library programs and events like these at the East Shelby Library.

Special Notes

Friends of the Library

This event made possible by the Friends of the Library.

Memphis Library Foundation

This event made possible by the Memphis Library Foundation.

Photograph Notice

This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.