Program Description
Event Details
For February, our "page-to-screen" book club, I Read That Movie @ the Library, is reading the Pulitzer Prize-winning 1987 novel Beloved by Toni Morrison. Rated in 2006 as the best work of American fiction in the past 25 years, the novel is the story of a Cincinnati family whose home is haunted by what they believe to be the ghost of the deceased eldest daughter of the homeowner Sethe, a woman who escaped from slavery in Kentucky. Morrison's novel was inspired by the life of Margaret Garner, an escaped slave whose story was recounted in an 1856 newspaper article entitled "A Visit to the Slave Mother who Killed Her Child."
Thanks to a generous grant from the Memphis Library Foundation, we have a limited number of copies to give away, so please come to the Humanities Desk on the 2nd Floor of the Central Library to claim your copy of Beloved while supplies last!
Participants are invited to read the the book, then come for a screening of the 1998 film adaptation directed by Jonathan Demme and produced by and starring Oprah Winfrey.
The screening (including popcorn, drinks, and other snacks) will take place on February 22 at 2:00 p.m. in Room L-56, followed by a discussion about the book and the film. Even if haven't read the book, you are welcome to join us to watch the movie and participate in the conversation!
Special Notes
Friends of the Library
This event made possible by the Friends of the Library.

Memphis Library Foundation
This event made possible by the Memphis Library Foundation.