Join us at OGR Library at the corner of Poplar and White Station for stories, songs, movement, and more!
Techy Seniors - Smart Phone Basics
Techy Seniors – Phone Basics
Learn the basic functions of smart phones and tablets. Participants will explore settings, and learn the following basic functions:
Sensory Storytime
Sensory Storytime is a welcoming interactive environment deigned for sensory seeking children with autism or other sensory integration challenges.
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Photograph Notice
This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.
Mental Health on Your Lunch Break: Storycatchers
Licensed therapist, Andria Wilson, will present Storycatchers: cultivating meaning, resiliency and hope through the power and practice of story.
Special Notes
Memphis Library Foundation
This event made possible by the Memphis Library Foundation.

Photograph Notice
This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.
Are you interested in gardening? Our urban garden and garden club proves that if you can grow a garden on Poplar Avenue, you can grow one anywhere!
Want to make sure your yard or plants or garden are ready for the upcoming colder weather? Learn from Dr. Chris Cooper, UT Extension Services directot, the do's and the don't's how to prepare so you'll have a beautiful yard in the spring.
Pirates Raid Scavenger Hunt!
Ahoy Mateys!
Special Notes
Friends of the Library
This event made possible by the Friends of the Library.

Memphis Library Foundation
This event made possible by the Memphis Library Foundation.

Photograph Notice
This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.
Join us to create a cardboard robotic hand and put it to the test in a fun series of challenges!
Special Notes
Photograph Notice
This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.
We're joined by the one and only Compost Fairy, Patrick Gridley, celebrating their glorious return to serving the Memphis community!
Special Notes
Photograph Notice
This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.
It's time for Hollywood's Pirate Raid week again. We are celebrating with a week full of fun games and activities:
Special Notes
Friends of the Library
This event made possible by the Friends of the Library.

Memphis Library Foundation
This event made possible by the Memphis Library Foundation.

Photograph Notice
This event may be recorded or photographed for use by the Memphis Public Libraries or the City of Memphis for media, social media, broadcast, and/or print purposes.
Immerse yourself in an intuitive writing and open mic session! Led by recording artist, D.A.D., this class is a part of the Creative Sharing series. Come ready to express yourself and learn something new!
Special Notes
Friends of the Library
This event made possible by the Friends of the Library.